滑溜电波 / Slippery Frequency

2010年7月24日 - 8月15日 / Jul 24th - Aug 15th, 2010 
TAMTAM 8, 柏林 / TAMTAM 8, Berlin

展出于蔡明君策划的群展《Mirror Mirror on the Wall》,TamTam 8,柏林,2010

Exhibited at Mirror Mirror on the Wall, a group show curated by Tsai Ming-Jiun, TamTam 8, Berlin, 2010

项目自述 / Artist text:

这个项目暂时性的占据了柏林的一个空置的广播频率,在一间公寓内设立一座地下电台,专门播放经我改造的来自波兰、保加利亚、俄罗斯、阿尔巴尼亚、罗马尼亚、匈牙利、捷克以及塞尔维亚这8个国家的官方部门,在新世纪里发布的面向外国受众的旅游和投资的音频广告。除了将广告词翻译成德语外,广播中所提及的这些国家的国名,也被替换成了它们在冷战结束前使用的具有社会主义意涵的旧名称。展览空间内陈列了一把翻新的旧躺椅和一台迷你收音机,重新录制的音频得以在现场播放出来,观众也被允许坐在躺椅上休息,甚至可以在怀旧的音乐氛围中打个盹。展览期间,这个电台每天播放8个小时,广播信号的接收范围大约是三平方公里, 预计能够覆盖到周边一部分东德时期建造的居民区。

This project comprises a pirate radio established in the apartment complex where the exhibition space is housed. I occupied an unused broadcasting frequency, simulates audio ads related to travel and investment, aimed at foreign listeners, issued in the new century by official agencies of 8 countries, i.e. Poland, Bulgaria, Russia, Albania, Rumania, Hungary, Czech Republic and Serbia. Besides translating the advertisement contents into German, I substituted the country names mentioned in the broadcast for their old names possessing socialist implications, as they were in use prior to the end of the Cold War. A renovated old deck chair and a mini-radio are on display in the exhibition space. The newly recorded audio recording is broadcast live, and visitors are allowed to sit on the deck chair and take a rest. They can even take a nap while basking in the nostalgic atmosphere evoked by the broadcast. During the exhibit, the emission is broadcast for 8 hours each day, with the broadcasting signal covering approximately 3 square kilometers. The broadcast is anticipated to cover part of the surrounding residential compounds, built back in the days of then-East Germany.