保护区 / Protected Territories

单频道高清录像 / single-channel HD video,有声 / sound,3’12”,2014

作品自述 / Artist text:

这是好莱坞大片里时常出现的一个桥段:主角在被象征国家机器的警方或军队直升机的追缉下奔命。尤其在夜间的场景里,直升机探灯在黑暗中搜寻扫视的镜头近似一种心理战术:在观众视角前,展现逃亡者孤绝于世的处境,但同时赋予了光圈内试图冲破禁锢的逃亡者一种仪式化了的反体制者身份。我将这种双重境遇联系到了在冷战后成为了观光景点的柏林查理检查站边的警示牌上的字样:YOU ARE LEAVING THE AMERICAN SECTOR,并将这句意味直白的告诫加载到一系列特定的好莱坞影像中去,从而为电影中的反体制者的危险境地,提供某种现实主义的注脚。

The following is a plotline often found in Hollywood blockbuster movies: the protagonist is a fugitive on the run, pursued by a police or military helicopter that symbolizes the state apparatus. In a nighttime scene, the viewer watches a frantically searching helicopter searchlight; this shot is reminiscent of psychological warfare, as the viewer's angle is only focused on showing the escapee in an isolated state. Yet at the same time, it attributes to this escapee a kind of formalized identity of a person who defies the establishment, as she or he tries to cast off the spotlight.

I relate this overlapping set of circumstances with the writing on a warning sign that can be found on the edges of Checkpoint Charlie, which has become a post-Cold War touristic sightseeing spot. This sign reads as follows: You Are Leaving the American Sector. I took this straightforward admonishment and transposed it onto a series of specific scene from Hollywood films, providing a realistic footnote to the dangerous predicament in which the anti-establishmentarian lead characters find themselves.


展出履历 / Related Exhibitions:

旋构塔 - 青年艺术实验场,北京时代美术馆,北京,2016

The Intimate Revolt, Curated by Chi Yining, Goethe Institut, Beijing, 2022
Replay, White Space Beijing, Beijing, 2018
Up-Youth: China Young Artists Exhibition 2016, Beijing Times Art Museum, Beijing, 2016
Scenarios of Time: Inter-Subjectivity, The Fourth Art Sanya, Sanya, 2015
Wormhole: Geo-Atrraction, Lin & Lin Gallery, Taipei, 2014