土豆烧牛肉 / Goulash

2014年9月6日 - 10月19日 / Sep 6th - Oct 19th, 2014
空白空间, 北京 / White Space Beijing, Beijing

项目自述 / Artist text:


The term of "Roast Potatoes and Beef" was firstly known to me from my father’s bantering appropriation of Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev’s quote to celebrate of achieving Communism in our family life. Later, through my verification, this joke first appeared on the “Cankao Xiaoxi” published by the Xinhua News Agency in 1958 from Khrushchev’s visit to Budapest and his mention of a local dish, the Goulash. By which, Khrushchev envisioned a future with prosperous social imagination for the Hungarian people. Nevertheless, the metaphor brought the precise politics relevant to everyday customs of general public. Interestingly, the Chinese interpreter translated the context of Goulash according to a Chinese dish, which left an even lasting impact in China. Regardless of the editor’s translation of foreign ideas and its response to this explanation in China at that time, the historical sample highlighted inspired a new understanding of my own practice. For example, how to deconstruct visual elements behind complex political concepts through the analysis of its menu structures; how to quarantine these mutually effective elements from their original discourses as well as the diverse potential embedded in visual understanding of political knowledge. In this exhibition, I experiment with this work approach. I adopt the visual elements of national emblems of defunct socialist states that once ruled by communist ideology as resources, while combining with my interest in the various political legacies the world confronts today, to endeavour on a conceptual journey of interpretations.

项目资料 / project dossier