亚克力板、UV打印、铝广告钉 / UV print on plexiglass boards, aluminum sign standoffs,232.5×196×7 cm / 119×240×7 cm / 120×133×7 cm / 74.5×55×7 cm,2016
作品自述 / Artist text:
Appropriating a logic of the informative shopping charts in butcher's shops, the work Block Trading Empire matches the geographical regions of South and North America, Africa and Australia with the respective bodily shapes of a rooster, a wild donkey, a kangaroo and a camel, partitioning sections of the animal bodies, turning these into geographical sections as commonly delineated by political maps.
展出履历 / Related Exhibitions:
HOW NOW:生活应用,昊美术馆,上海,2019
HOW NOW: The Life APP, HOW Art Museum, Shanghai, 2019
Art Shenzhen, Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center, 2018
Hundred Thousand Miles Away, White Space Beijing, Beijing, 2016
相关文字介绍 / Related Text:
昊美术馆. 生活应用 | Life App 问卷,2019
Questionnaire for the exhibition Life App in HOW Art Museum, Jan. 18, 2019 (not yet translated)