价格面议 / Price Negotiable

艺术微喷 / giclée print,65×86cm,2012

作品自述 / Artist text:

全球性的金融危机和普遍的政治紧张互为表里,这其中带来的疑问或许有:怎样的情形能够被称为有“确定感的未来”? 而媒体管道中的政治经济话语又是怎样关系到公众的现实?仅就想象力而言,危机时代未尝不是好事。例如,欧盟作为区域一体化和国际间民主的样板工程,既可借机大步跨越障碍摒弃前嫌,也面临着成员国加剧的内部争执和切实的外力干预。至于如何才能把握真实?不如先从评论假相开始。

The global financial crisis and omnipresent political tensions interact with and influence each other. Some questions raised by this fact could be: what type of condition is prerequisite to give for a so-called "future of certainty" to arise? How does the language of political economy uttered by media-channels relate to the reality of the public sphere? Only with regards to the imagination can it be claimed that the era of crisis isn't necessarily an unwelcome thing. For example, the European Union is a sample project for regional integration and international democracy, and can also take advantage of the opportunity to take great strides to overcome obstacles and disregard previous enmities, whilst being faced with intensifying inner disputes and palpable outside intervention. As for the question: how to get a hold on the truth? Perhaps it's better to start by commenting on falsehood.


展出履历 / Related Exhibitions:

“旋构塔 - 青年艺术实验场”,北京时代美术馆,北京,2016

Up-Youth:China Young Artists Exhibition 2016, Beijing Times Art Museum, Beijing, 2016
Art Nova 100, SZ Art Center, Beijing, 2012
Problematic Field, Kogo Art Space, Hangzhou, 2012