文献 | Bibliography

杂言 / Words



巧合、代际、禁足,发布于“Art Shard 艺术碎片”,2020.02.10

关于《符号帝国》,Salt Projects 写作工作坊,2016.03.28




Afterimage - An Introduction of the Work of BetaReserve for the 7th Session of OCAT Biennale Online Forum Series "Mediatization of Attention, 06.05.2022

Letter for Time Capsule, 28.04.2021

Coincidence, Generations, Curfew, Art Shard WeChat Platform, 10.02.2020

On Empire of Signs, Salt Project art writing workshop, 28.03.2016

The "Chaoyang Qunzhong" at A307, A307 Wechat platform, 20.04.2015

Another World is Possible, Contemporary Art and Investment. Beijing: Ibérian Art Center, vol.60, 12.2011: 37-41 (untranslated)


笔谈 / Conversational Writings



邹晨访谈,不要相信我的话...... 发布于“OpenArt”网站及杂志,2020.04.03:https://www.open-art.co/liu-xinyi-interview


丁晓洁访谈,应有掌声 | 艺术汇专访,发布于“798艺术”公众号,2019.06.13

Alex Gobin访谈,14个问题,2017.11.05



史伟访谈,我关心的不是政治表达,发布于“缤纷 Hi艺术”杂志,2014年第10期:72-75页,《缤纷Hi艺术》编辑部,CN65-1031/J


李宁访谈,带离“政治学路径”的讨论,发布于“艺术汇”杂志,2014年第7期:18-21页,文苑杂志社,CN15-1336/G0,ISSN 1672-9404



鲍栋访谈,政治的游戏和游戏的政治 - 关于“有求必应”,发布于"有求必应"展览手册,仁艺术空间,2013.12:6-15

许崇宝访谈,问答,发布于“基础部,激振波,调控” 展览手册,泰康空间,2013.6:18-25


Expeditionary Botanics: Q & A around materials, concepts and materiality, Long March Space WeChat Channel, Beijing, July 5th, 2024 (untranslated)

DRC No.12 Space. A Conversation About Applause is Due, exhibition booklet by DRC No.12 Space, 07.2023

Zou Chen. Don't Believe What I Said, Open-Art.co, 03.04.2020: https://www.open-art.co/liu-xinyi

Fan Liangjun. Projects of Liu Xinyi, Artview WeChat Platform, 15.08.2019 (untranslated)

Ding Xiaojie. Applause is Due | Art Frontier Interview, Art Frontier, Beijing, 12.06.2019 (untranslated)

Alex Gobin. 14 Questions, 05.11.2017 (untranslated)

Xiong Xiaoyi. Young Generation's Narration on Politics, Artron.net, 19.08.2015

Tedai. My Works are More Interesting than I do, Tomorrow's Party WeChat Platform, Dec. 01, 2014 (untranslated)

Shi Wei. What I Care about is not Poiltical Expression, Hi Art, Beijing, 10.2014: 72-75 (untranslated)

Zhao Mengsha. The Fate of Studio, Leap Wechat Platform & White Space Beijing WeChat Platform, 30.07.2014 (untranslated)

Li Ning. Bring the Discussion away from the path of Politcal Science, IArt, 07.2014: 18-21 (untranslated)

Xiang Jin. Xiang Jin Chat with Young Artists, Oriental Art Master, Beijing: Oriental Art Press, 02.2014: 84-89 (untranslated)

Yang Beicheng & Han Li. Liu Xinyi Talks about His Practice, Artforum.com.cn, 15.01.2014, http://artforum.com.cn/words/6242

Bao Dong. Political Games and the Politics of Play - on Responsive Institution, Responsive Institution, Beijing: Ren Art Space, 11.2013: 6-15

Xu Chongbao. Q&A. Booklet for Groundwork Community, Excitation Waves, Control, Beijing: Taikang Space, 06.2013: 18-25


问卷 / Questionnaires





燃点问卷,艺术家自述,发布于“燃点”杂志第4期:78-79页,香港:中国艺术时代有限公司,2016年,ISSN 2414-1526

写作工作坊问卷,写作工作坊的工作,发布于“Salt Projects”公众号,2016.04.27




Artron Prime User Questionnaire, 24.11.2019 (untranslated)

HOW Art Museum Questionnaire. About the exhibition Life App, 18.01.2019 (untranslated)

Questionnaire for the artists worked on the Secret Chamber, Hyundai Motor Studio, 04.05.2018 (untranslated)

Lu Xinhua's Questionnaire. One Hundred Interviews about Sprits of China's Contemporary Art, 03.06.2017 (untranslated)

Randian Questionnaire. Artist Statement, Randian, Hong Kong: China Art Times Limited, Issue 4 Autumn/Winter 2016, 11.2016: 78-79, ISSN 2414-1526

Salt Project Questionnaire. Work of the Writing Workshop, Salt Project WeChat Platform, 27.04.2016 (untranslated)

Wang Jiali Qustionnaire. London Gang: Group without Party, Beijing Contemporary Art Foundation WeChat Platform, 23.03.2016 (untranslated)

Get it Louder Questionnaire. The Furture Constructs Present, 10.2012 (untranslated)


讨论会 / Symposiums





DawanArt Espace活动,想象的间距—有关刘辛夷“一时博爱”艺术项目的圆桌讨论,发布于“大碗艺术”公众号,2018.05.24


Dampening Things Without A Sound, UCCA WeChat Platform, 29.08.2019 (untranslated)

A Closed Conversation About Applause is Due, DRC No.12 WeChat Platfrom, 07.08.2019 (untranslated)

A Conversation About "Slippery Hen", HOW Art Museum WeChat Platform, 19.07.2019 (untranslated)

Redefine the Comfort Zone, Taikang Space WeChat Platform, Beijing, 01.02.2019 (untranslated)

Imagined Distance-Discussion About Liu Xinyi's Project Fraternité Passagère, DawanART WeChat Platform, 24.05.2018 (untranslated)


个展评论 / Solo Exhibition Reviews


Calais Yang撰文,未来两周 |《打边炉》6位作者的诚意推荐,发布于“打边炉DBL”公众号,2019.06.08:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Cf0DjTc8RPAfjTonp6Knzg





玛瑙撰文,十万八千里. 发布于“艺术论坛”中文网,2016.06.23:http://www.artforum.com.cn/archive/9658







何思衍撰文,刘辛夷,发布于“艺术论坛”网站. 2014.9:http://artforum.com/picks/id=48455 (尚未翻译)




Gao Jie. Analyze Liu Xinyi with three symbols, Art Parameter Wechat Platform, 20.08.2019, https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/1ENh2iVpvkTQtjgOE8EOdA (untranslated)

Calais Yang. Liu Xinyi"Applause is Due"-Future weeks | Sincere Recommendation by 6 Authors,DBL Wechat Platform, 08.06.2019, https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Cf0DjTc8RPAfjTonp6Knzg (untranslated)

Yang Tiange. Liu Xinyi. Artforum.com.cn, 27.05.2019, http://artforum.com.cn/archive/12119 (untranslated)

Xie Congyang. Hundred Thousand (And One) Miles Away, Randian-online.com, 29.09.2016, http://www.randian-online.com/np_review/hundred-thousand-miles-away/

Li Bowen. Liu Xinyi: Hundred Thousand Miles Away, Leap, Beijing: Modern Media Group Ltd., 08.2016, p.179

Luan Zhichao. Anatomy of Politics, Art World, Shanghai: Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing Group, 08.2016, p.112-115 (untranslated)

Lietti Manuela. Liu Xinyi: Hundred Thousand Miles Away, Artforum.com.cn, 23.06.2016, http://www.artforum.com.cn/archive/9658

Song Yu. The Chaoyang Qunzhong who Lives in A307: A Furnishing Made by Artist Liu Xinyi, Southern Weekly, Nanfang Media Group Ltd., 15.10.2015, E27 (untranslated)

Xiong, Xiaoyi. Art in the apartment: self-organization and space reconstruction, Artron.net, 24.08. 2015, https://news.artron.net/20150824/n772651.html (untranslated)

Zhang Xiyuan. Liu Xinyi: The Chaoyang Qunzhong, Artforum.com.cn, 23.08.2015, http://www.artforum.com.cn/archive/8292

Yao Mengxi. Liu Xinyi: Politics of Knowledge and Practice, Leap 30, Beijing: Modern Media Group Ltd., Nov/Dec.2014, p.30-33

Huang Bihe. Liu Xiny: Goulash, White Space Beijing WeChat Platform, 07.10.2014

Iona Whittaker. Stewed Beef and Potatoes Communism, Randian-online.com, 02.11.2014, http://www.randian-online.com/np_review/liu-xinyi-goulash-stewed-beef-and-potatoes-communism/

Ho Daniel Szehin. Liu Xinyi, Artforum.com, Sep. 2014, http://artforum.com/picks/id=48455

Wei Jo. The Life of Agent L, Action...Cut!, Shanghai: Yuz Foundation, 02.2013: 24-44

Zhang Xiyuan. Liu Xinyi: Agent L, Leap 16, Beijing: Moden Media Group Ltd., Jul/Aug. 2012: 204-205


群展评论 / Group Exhibition Reviews

Hindley Wang 撰文, 植物远征, e-flux.com, 2024, https://www.e-flux.com/criticism/614066/expeditionary-botanics (未翻译)

杨梦娇撰文,令人兴奋的,令人惶惑的——评“植物远征”, 艺术世界展评,2024.05.22






李棋撰文,消极与抵抗? ,发布于“艺术界”杂志第21期,现代传播出版集团,2013年7/8月刊



Mengjiao Yang, Exciting, Confusing - Review of Expeditionary Botanics,ArtReview China WeChat Platfrom, May 22, 2024 (untranslated)

Hindley Wang, Expeditionary Botanics, e-flux.com, June 13, 2024, https://www.e-flux.com/criticism/614066/expeditionary-botanics

Li Xuhui. The Comfort Zone At A Distance--Directional space for edges and wandering, IArt Review, 798 Art Wechat Platform, 31.01.2019:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/W2HNTRVqlK-qUl9RegJaEQ (untranslated)

Miao Zijin. Nature Gone Astray, Artforum.com.cn, 12.03.2018, http://artforum.com.cn/archive/11251 (untranslated)

Li Bowen. I Do(Not) Want to be Part of Your Celebration, artforum.com.cn, 18.07.2017: http://www.artforum.com.cn/picks/10711 (untranslated)

Victor Wang. Secret Chamber, Artforum.com.cn, 24.10.2016, http://artforum.com.cn/archive/10011 (untranslated)

Chen Che. Elegy of Political Image: From The Centre of the World to Treasure Island, Research text for Busan Biennale 2016, 08.2016

Li Qi. Pessimism or Resistance? Leap 21, Beijing: Modern Media Group Ltd., Jul/Aug 2013

Alia Swastika. Action...Cut!, Leap20, Beijing: Modern Media Group Ltd., May/Jun 2013


视频报道 / Video Documentations


Action Media制作,十万八千里 | 空白空间, 发布于Action Media微信公众平台,2016.08.27


Action Media制作,刘辛夷 — 2015华宇青年奖入围艺术家,发布于Action Media微信公众平台,2015.12.10





任硕制作,泰康空间日光亭项目之三 | 刘辛夷 : 激振波,发布于“艺术眼”网站,2013.06.29


Edouard Malingue Gallery. Nature Gone Astray, Shanghai, 30.05.2018

Action Media. Liu Xinyi: Hundred Thousand Miles Away, Beijing | White Space Beijing: Action Media, 10.12.2015

Huang Lifen, Wang Yige. Liu Xinyi: Hundred Thousand Miles Away, Beijing, Artspy.cn, 14.06.2016

Action Media. Liu Xinyi - Nominated Artist of Huayu Youth Award 2015, Beijing: Action Media, 10.12.2015

Huang Lifen, Wang Yige. Chaoyang Qunzhong-Liu Xinyi Solo Exhibition, Beijing: Artspy.cn, 10.08.2015

Ren Shuo. Liu Xinyi - Goulash, Beijing: Artspy.cn, 25.09.2014

Zhou Xuesong. Responsive Institution-Opening of Liu Xinyi's Solo Exhibition, Beijing: Artron.net, 12.06.2013

Ren Shuo. Responsive Institution, Beijing: Artspy.cn, 15.12.2013

Ren Shuo. Light Pavilian Project III | Liu Xinyi: Excitation Waves, Beijing: Artspy.cn, 29.06.2013


展览图录、文化出版物 / Exhibition Catalogues & Art Relevant Publications

唐昕主编, “生命惊奇:泰康保险集团25周年艺术收藏展”展览画册,泰康保险集团2021年出版:195-198页


张尔主编,“飞地·20:游戏”,飞地传媒2018年出版:封面、120-127页,ISSN 1003-6881

Gregoire Robinne主编,“8e biennale internationale d' art contemporain de Melle - Le Grand Monnayage”展览图录,Édition Dilecta2018年出版:58-59页,ISBN 978-2-37372-071-6

鲁明军主编,“疆域:地缘的拓扑”展览画册,OCAT上海 & OCAT 研究中心2018年出版,82-83页

Lim Donglak主编,“Busan Biennale 2016 - Project 2, Hybirdizing Earth, Discussing Multitude”展览图录,釜山双年展组委会2016年出版:112-113页,ISBN 9791195899012-93600

B3 Biennale of Moving Image组委会主编,“Expanded Senses Programm 2015”展览手册. 法兰克福: B3 Biennale of Moving Image组委会2015年出版:137页



艾明、李振华主编,“多重宇宙:上海二十一世纪民生美术馆开馆展”展览图录,中国美术学院出版社2015年出版:146-147页,ISBN 978-7-5503-0807-7

徐冰、王璜生主编,“第二届CAFAM 未来展:创客创客•中国青年艺术的现实表征提名集”展览图录,中国青年出版社2015年出版:276-277页,ISBN 978-7-5153-31103-4

鲁明军主编,“感官媒介和认知方式的转变:中国当代艺术研究”,中国青年出版社2014年出版:162页,ISBN 978-7-5153-2976-5

王璜生、艾明主编,“中国当代摄影2009-2014”展览图录,浙江摄影出版社2014年出版:62-65页,ISBN 978-7-5514-0714-4

唐昕主编,“向左拉动:不保持一贯正确”展览图录,Horizontal Rivers Press,2014:26-29页,ISBN 978-988-12728-4-3

王璜生主编,“第二届CAFAM双年展——无形的手:策展作为立场”展览图录,中国青年出版社2014年出版:192-197页,ISBN 978-7-5153-2546-0

王璜生主编,“灵光与后灵光:首届北京国际摄影双年展”展览图录,中国摄影出版社2013年出版:46-49页,ISBN 978-7-5179-0003-0

田静主编,“入戏出戏 —— 刘辛夷、王韬程、叶甫纳三人展”展览手册,余德耀基金会出版2013年出版:24-48页

鲍栋、孙冬冬、田霏宇主编,“ON | OFF:中国年轻艺术家的观念与实践”展览图录,世界图书出版公司北京公司2013年出版:149-152页,ISBN 978-7-5100-5619-2

徐冰主编,“首届CAFAM未来展:亚现象·中国青年艺术生态报告提名集”展览图录,广西师范大学出版社2012年出版:310-311页,ISBN 978-7-5495-2469-3


Melanie Miller、周彤宇主编,“Peripheries”展览手册,曼彻斯特都会大学创新研究院2011年出版:14-15页,ISBN 978-1-905476-66-4

Erica Shiozaki,蔡明君主编, “Mirror Mirror on the Wall”展览手册,TAIWAN Kunstraum2011年出版:26-29页,ISBN 978-957-41-8806-2


玛瑙主编,“真当”展览图录, Ku艺术中心2008年出版:11-15页


Tang, Xin(eds) Miracle of Life: Art Collection Exhibition for Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Taikang Insurance Group, Beijing: Taikang Insurance Group, 2021: 195-198

Tang, Xin(eds) China Landscape: Selections from the Taikang Collection 2019, Beijing: Taikang Insurance Group, 2019: 242-245

Zhang, Er(eds) Enclave·20: Game, Shenzhen: Enclave Media, 2018: cover & 120-127, ISSN1003-6881

Robinne, Gregoirer(eds) 8e biennale internationale d' art contemporain de Melle - Le Grand Monnayage, Paris: Édition Dilecta, 2018: 58-59, ISBN 978-2-37372-071-6

Lu, Mingjun(eds) Frontier: Re-assessment of Post-Globalisational Politics, Shanghai/Beijing: OCAT Shanghai & OCAT Institute, 2018: 82-83

Lim, Donglak(eds) Busan Biennale 2016 - Project 2, Hybirdizing Earth, Discussing Multitude, Busan: Busan Biennale Organizing Committee, 2016: 112-113, ISBN 9791195899012-93600

Zhao, Yisong(eds) Scenarios of Time: Inter-Subjectivity, Beijing: Organizing committee of the Fourth Art-Sanya, 2015: 30-33

B3 Biennale of Moving Image(eds) Expanded Senses Programm 2015, Frankfurt: Organizing committee of the B3 Biennale of Moving Image, 2015: 137

CAFA Media Lab, School of Design, Central Academy of Fine Arts(eds) Moving in Time:B3+BEIJING Moving Image Exhibition, Beijing: Organizing Committee of "Moving in Time:B3+BEIJING Moving Image Exhibition", 2015: 29

Ai, Ming, Li, Zhenhua(eds) Cosmos : Shanghai 21st Century Minsheng Art Museum Opening Exhibition, Hangzhou: China Academy of Arts Press, 2015: 146-147, ISBN 978-7-5503-0807-7

Xu, Bing, Wang, Huangsheng(eds) The 2nd "CAFAM•Future" Exhibition: Observer-Creator•The Reality Representation of Chinese Young Art Nomination, Beijing: China Youth Publishing House, 2015: 276-277, ISBN 978-7-5153-31103-4

Robin Peckham, Post Internet of Asia:A Network and Path of Global Art, Lu, Mingjun(ed) Transformation of Sensory Media and Cognitive Mode: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art Studies, Beijing: China Youth Publishing House, 2014: 162, ISBN 978-7-5153-2976-5

Wang, Huangsheng, Ai, Ming(eds) Contemporary Photography in China 2009-2014. Hangzhou: Zhejiang Photographic Press, 2014: 62-65, ISBN 978-7-5514-0714-4

Tang, Xin(ed) Pull Left: Not Always Right., Hongkong: Horizontal Rivers Press, 2014: 26-29, ISBN 978-988-12738-4-3

Wang, Huangsheng(ed) The 2nd CAFAM Biennale-The Invisible Hand: Curating as Gesture, CAFA Art Museum, Beijing: China Youth Press, 2014: 192-197, ISBN 978-7-5153-2546-0

Wang, Huangsheng(ed) The 1st Beijing Photo Biennale: Aura and Post Aura, Beijing: Photographic Press, 2013: 46-49, ISBN 978-7-5179-0003-0

Tian, Jing(ed) Action…Cut! — Liu Xinyi, Wang Taocheng, Ye Funa Joint Exhibition, Shanghai: Yuz Fondation, 2013: 24-28

Bao, Dong, Sun, Dongdong, Philip, Tinari(eds) ON | OFF: China’s Young Artists in Concept & Practice, Beijing: World Publishing Corporation, 2013: 149-152, ISBN 978-7-5100-5619-2

Xu, Bing(ed) The First “CAFAM Future” Exhibition Sub-Phenomena: Report on the State of Chinese Young Art Nomination. Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press, 2012: 310-311, ISBN 978-7-5495-2469-3.

Chao, Jiaxin(ed) Halo Effect, Shanghai: V Art Center, Shanghai Institute of Visual Art, 2012: 14-17

Melanie Miller, Zhou.Tongyu(eds) Peripheries, Published by MIRIAD, Manchester: Manchester Metroplitan University, 2011: 14-15, ISBN 978-1-905476-66-4

Shiozaki, Erica, Tsai, Ming-Jiun(eds)Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Berlin: TAMTAM8@ TAIWAN Kunstraum, 2011: 26-29, ISBN 978-957-41-8806-2

Wang, Xinyou(ed) Inward, Beijing: PIFO New Art Studios, 2008: 37-40

Lietti, Manuela(eds) Authentic, Beijing: KU Art Center, 2008: 11-15

