复兴之路 / The Road of Arab Ba’ath Movement

道闸机、聚氨酯发泡板、继电器、电缆、方钢、密度板 / boom barriers, polyurethane foam boards, electric relays, cable, square steel tubes, medium density fiberboards,239~285×117×100 cm 件 / each,a set of 4 pcs,总体尺寸可变 / overall dimensions variable,2016

作品自述 / Artist text:


Profile silhouettes of the four leaders of the Arab Ba’ath party - Mubarak, Assad, Gaddafi and Saddam - are hoisted onto boom barriers signifying "the construction of order". Every few minutes, the silhouette of an ambitiously heroic figure randomly towers aloft or lies prostrate inside the gallery space. The marksmanship target engraved on the front and back of the figures impresses upon them the added feature of tragedy. The fate of these sculptures striving strive to establish a secular order is such that, given the alternating intervention of the leverage mechanism, the idealized road to revival is paradoxically either opened up or cut off.


展出履历 / Related Exhibitions:


Art Basel Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Center, Hong Kong, 2018
Hundred Thousand Miles Away, White Space Beijing, Beijing, 2016